Doing Business in Australia

Doing Business in Australia is a straightforward and informative guide that outlines the main legal and commercial issues that you need to be aware of when investing in Australia.

Australia continues to be an attractive place for foreign investment. The combination of rich natural resources, a diverse and skilled workforce, and a stable government drives both inbound and outbound investment.

While the global economic impact of COVID-19 is significant and still unfolding, we continue to see a steady stream of interest and investment into Australia across energy and resources, property and development, agribusiness, health and education services, professional services, and major infrastructure projects.

To this end, we have formed strategic alliances with several Australian and international law firm and professional services to expand our business across international borders.

Our partners regularly work with lawyers around the world on cross-border transactions and disputes and are well attuned to working co-operatively and cohesively in such situations. In addition, many of our lawyers have off-shore legal experience.

We have recently advised clients residing in North America, Asia and Europe. Find out more about our international experience.

We hope you find Doing Business in Australia to be a valuable resource. To discuss any of the topics raised, please contact a member of our team.

  • Chapter 1: Companies & Other Business Structures

    A foreign investor that wants to carry on business in Australia will usually do so through a company structure.

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  • Chapter 2: Intellectual Property

    In Australia, intellectual property rights are protected by both Commonwealth legislation and the general law.

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  • Chapter 3: Mergers & Acquisitions

    The regulation of merger and acquisition transactions depends on the nature of the transaction (asset sale or share sale) and the type of target (private or public company).

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  • Chapter 4: Fundraising

    Any company that proposes to raise capital in Australia through the issue of securities or financial products is required to comply with the disclosure regime under the Corporations Act.

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  • Chapter 5: Regulation of Foreign Investment

    Foreign investment into Australia is principally regulated by the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA).

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  • Chapter 6: Competition Law & Consumer Protection

    In Australia, the promotion of market competition is regulated by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA).

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  • Chapter 7: Taxation

    In Australia, each level of government imposes its own taxes. However, by far the most significant taxes are levied by the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is the only level of government that collects income tax.

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  • Chapter 8: Employment & Industrial Relations

    Generally, Australia’s statutory employment laws (both federal and state) apply to all private sector employees working in Australia. The principal Commonwealth law is the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act).

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  • Chapter 9: Privacy, Marketing and Surveillance Laws

    Australia has complex and robust laws regarding how personal data or ‘personal information’ as it is referred to under Australian laws, is handled.

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  • Chapter 10: Modern Slavery

    Unfortunately, modern slavery occurs in every sector and industry. There are an estimated 40 million victims of modern slavery around the world.

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