Maddocks workplace - fully fair and flexible!
Maddocks has again been recognised as one of 27 fair and flexible employers by the Victorian State Government.
25 June 2010: Maddocks has again this year been recognised as one of 27 fair and flexible employers by the Victorian state government.
Minister for Industrial Relations Martin Pakula last night presented Maddocks with the Fair and Flexible Employer Recognition Award "in recognition of innovative programs and practices that improve the work and family balance of employees".
With offices in Melbourne and Sydney, law firm Maddocks is genuinely committed to the personal and professional growth of its people irrespective of gender and actively encourages work-life balance by providing a supportive and flexible environment, according to Maddocks CEO David Rennick.
"Maddocks works hard at attracting and retaining talented people," he said. "An important part of the firm's strategy is to become the best law firm to work in."
Maddocks' human resources strategy has underpinned Maddocks growth enabling the firm to grow rapidly from 200 people in 2002. The firm now employs a total of 300 people in Melbourne and almost 100 in Sydney, the majority of whom are women. More than seventy work on a flexible working arrangement.
A Maddocks case study gives more detail of the firm's flexible work policies and practices including part-time work, job share arrangements, non-standard hours, work from home provisions and career breaks.