About Aaron
Aaron works with a diverse range of clients across the healthcare, aged care and medical technology sectors. He regularly advises public, private and not-for-profit health care providers, private health insurers, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, aged care providers, health regulatory bodies, and medical research institutions. Aaron specialises in complex, innovative transactions for buyers, sellers and developers of healthcare assets.
Aaron's expertise extends to M&A, corporations and securities law, commercial contracting (including outsourcing of management and services), corporate and clinical governance, healthcare regulation privacy and data protection. Aaron is a pragmatic and commercial advisor, recognised for his technical expertise, his command of detail, and his understanding of regulatory and policy context. His work has led him to being recognised as a leading lawyer in Doyle’s Guide and Best Lawyers for Health & Aged Care.
Mercury Capital
Advising on the sale of its interest in Nexus Hospitals to QIC Global Infrastructure Funds. Nexus Hospitals owns a rapidly-growing portfolio of hospitals across Australia and is Australia’s second largest short-stay hospital group.
Nexus Hospitals
Acting on the acquisition of Bondi Junction Private Hospital; Corymbia House Day Surgery; Crows Nest Day Surgery; Southbank Day Surgery; Canberra Private Hospital; Windsor Private Hospital; Pennant Hills Day Surgery; Sundew Day Surgery; and the National Day Surgeries group of companies comprising National Day Surgery – Sydney, Hobart Day Surgery and Tennyson Centre Day Hospital.
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Advising on the establishment of Genome.One, the first NATA-accredited laboratory in Australia offering clinical whole genome sequencing.
Riviera Health
Advising on the sale of its residential aged care portfolio to Japara Healthcare Limited.
Adventist Healthcare Limited
Advising on the sale of San Pathology to Sonic Healthcare Limited and contracting for the long term provision of pathology services to Sydney Adventist Hospital.