About Mark
As a leading government lawyer, Mark has advised a range of local and state government organisations in administrative law, dispute resolution, contracting, and procurement and tendering.
Mark has advised on administrative law and regulation, statutory interpretation, governance, Royal Commissions, inquiries and reviews, and advising statutory and government bodies. His extensive knowledge of the operation of Government has led to Mark being recognised by Best Lawyers as one of the best Government Lawyers in Victoria.
Mark is the director of Maddocks Recoveries, the firm's debt recovery business.
Government & Administrative law
Preparing regulatory impact statements, preparation of drafting instructions to Parliamentary Council and the preparation of regulations, relevant to implementation of major tasks.
Country Fire Authority
Acting for Country Fire Authority and the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board in relation to negotiating and implementing the Intergraph contractual arrangements. These two authorities were commented on in the Auditor-General’s report as being the only government customers of Intergraph who properly managed the outsourcing of their computer aided and dispatch functions to Intergraph. In this role he has provided ongoing legal and strategic support to the MFESB and CFA, and has successfully resolved numerous ongoing disputes between those clients and Intergraph.
Victorian Department of Justice
Acting for the Victorian Department of Justice in relation to developing a whole of Government strategy on expiration of the term of the Intergraph contract and advising on:
- the existing Intergraph arrangements.
- possible options available to Government at the expiration of the Intergraph Contract.
Advising on the outsourcing of infrastructure services and sale of government business including:
- the sale of MFESB and CFA’s alarm monitoring businesses including negotiations to Tyco International Limited.
- the re-organisation, and establishment of separate boards of management for a joint training facility run by the MFESB and CFA.
Royal Commissions and Inquiries
Supervising major inquiries requiring administrative law expertise including the Country Fire Authority's Linton Inquest, Longford Royal Commission, Metropolitan Ambulance Service Royal Commission and Family & Community Services (NSW) on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Insights by Mark

Amendments to the Victorian Local Government Acts: Impacts on Councils’ Rating and Debt Recovery Powers