Native Title, Land Rights & Heritage

Native title, Aboriginal land rights and cultural heritage is a complex, evolving and sensitive area of law which has a deep and meaningful impact on the communities involved.

Our Native Title, Land Rights & Heritage expertise

We act for Indigenous native title claimants, Indigenous local land councils, governments (local councils, and State, Territory and Commonwealth agencies), private sector developers, infrastructure owners and resource companies.

Our team comprises partners and lawyers who are passionate about managing native title issues, leveraging off practical, hands-on experience derived from one of our lawyers previous experience working in the field as a qualified archaeologist and anthropologist.

Our team, with their unique skillset, can effectively and efficiently manage all types of indigenous issues in a culturally sensitive way leading to better outcomes for our clients.

How we can help

  • Native title – extinguishment, future act procedures, and determinations
  • Land rights – access and dealing with Crown land and the operation of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW), processes for claims, and the impact of claims on infrastructure projects and acquisitions
  • Cultural heritage management – dealing with heritage legislation across all States and Territories, and the protections these acts provide for Aboriginal places, objects and significant sites all over Australia.

Insights from the Team

Get in touch with our team to learn more.

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