
Discrimination, harassment and bullying can be destructive in the workplace. The Maddocks team is well versed in identifying opportunities for our clients to improve practices that prevent all forms of discrimination.

Our Anti-Discrimination Expertise

At Maddocks, our anti-discrimination work focuses on supporting public and private sector organisations with navigating anti-discrimination laws and the ways discrimination can inadvertently damage a company’s reputation, recruitment and appeal as an employer.

We provide legal and business support to a variety of employers to address discrimination, from inadequate policies in their recruitment processes to organisational change that is geared towards removing discrimination at all levels of a business.

Our practical policies and procedures pave the way forward for these clients and help instil a culture of best practice, resulting in an effective and compliant workplace.

This work ranges from introducing leading anti-discrimination, harassment and bullying policies to defending complaints at both Federal and State-level jurisdictions. We also provide legal training to board and senior management teams.

Browse our discrimination team members and read their latest insights below.

Insights from the Team

Other services used by our Anti-Discrimination clients

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