About Ooma
Ooma advises public and private sector clients in information technology, consumer markets and telecommunications sectors, particularly in relation to regulatory compliance and technology. She has advised on regulatory compliance in particular telecommunications, consumer protection, trade practices, privacy and competition law issues and also advises on procurement and general commercial contracts, including outsourcings, hardware, software licensing, telecommunications services, data protection and privacy, digital advertising and marketing and cloud services contracting, including IaaS, SaaS and PaaS.Experience
NSW Government
Advising on all types of commercial agreements, including complex, enterprise wide technology procurements and outsourcing and regularly advise NSW Government clients including Sydney Trains, Transport for NSW, NSW Health, Essential Energy, TAFE NSW on ICT procurement using the NSW Procure IT Framework.
Local Government
Advising on Australian and NSW specific privacy, surveillance and freedom of information laws, including advice in relation to WiFi tracking and analytics, GPS tracking, use of CCTV, use of wearable tracking devices for employees, workplace surveillance, privacy policies and Privacy Impact Assessments.
Local Government
Advising in relation to data protection, including suspected and actual data breaches involving the inadvertent release to the media of public submissions which included both confidential opinions and personal information.
Essential Energy
Advising on the preparation of an agreement for the provision of an in vehicle monitoring system ‘from scratch’ to reflect the client’s requirements over an extended term, including advising and assisting with drafting detailed specifications and a service level agreement for delivery and installation of the solution, ongoing maintenance and support, and data hosting requirements.
Taronga Zoo
Advising on the renewal of an exclusive catering services agreement including preparation of an updated template agreement ‘from scratch’ to reflect the client’s requirements over a five year term, including in relation to the development of proposed new sites for catering and accommodation. Advising on exclusive dealing (third line forcing) issues arising in connection with agreements between itself, its sponsors and its exclusively appointed catering services provider, including advising in relation to ACCC notification. Drafting amendments to catering services agreement to reflect exclusive dealing arrangements as notified to the ACCC.
Insights by Ooma

Privacy reforms - what now? Our top 3 tips for Australian Government agencies

One small step for privacy reform – what the Government’s new Privacy Bill does (and doesn’t) cover

Guard(rail)ing the development and deployment of AI: the Australian Government’s proposal

Preparing for mandatory data breach notification under NSW privacy laws: Five key actions