Legal Insights

COVID-19 and procurement

• 16 April 2020 • 0 min read
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The COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent containment measures are having a significant negative impact on supply chains, manufacturing and transport.

The pandemic is causing organisations to carefully consider how they will deal with the risks associated with this pandemic. Responses include protocols for working from home and protocols for hygiene controls, but organisations also need to consider how this pandemic might affect their current procurement processes and contracts.

Contracts and procurement

Urgent Commonwealth procurements during COVID-19: focus on the urgent; remember the important

The Commonwealth government is being required to procure goods and services urgently as a result of COVID-19, but what are some of the procurement rules that might be relied on to procure services urgently while maintaining a value for money outcome?

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COVID-19 updates for Commonwealth contracts

Commonwealth departments and agencies should consider how the coronavirus outbreak might affect their current procurement processes or contracts.

Our Commonwealth Government team has produced a checklist of issues to consider.

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Will COVID-19 prevent you from operating? Protecting your business in the face of a global pandemic

The outbreak of the novel COVID-19 and subsequent containment measures are negatively impacting supply chains, manufacturing and transport. What will happen if COVID-19 prevents you from performing your contractual obligations?

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Effect of COVID-19 on Victorian State Government contracts

The COVID-19 outbreak is also having a serious impact on supply contracts and the situation is likely to worsen over time if overseas experience is a guide.

We provide guidance on what Victorian Government departments and agencies can do to support suppliers and deliver services.

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COVID-19 updates for Commonwealth procurement and grants processes – a probity lens

Have you considered how the COVID-19 pandemic might affect your procurement or grant process from a probity and process perspective?

We provide a short summary checklist of issues for you to consider – their relevance will depend on the nature and stage of your procurement.

Find out more

Urgent Commonwealth procurements during COVID-19: focus on the urgent; remember the important

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commonwealth is being required to procure goods and services (including at a high value) urgently. This article outlines some of the procurement rules that might be relied on by Commonwealth entities to procure services urgently while maintaining a value for money outcome.

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