Legal Insights

Lifting the Bar: Disputes and inquiries - Volume 2

• 20 October 2020 • 2 min read
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As legal practitioners we are all responsible for doing what we can to promote and achieve equitable practices. One of the areas that requires greater commitment from all firms and our clients is the advancement and retention of female counsel.

The Lifting the Bar series provides a platform where we can get to know leading female barristers across different areas of practice, with a particular focus on the NSW Government sector.

In our first, second and third edition we profiled female junior counsel in disputes and inquiries, employment and safety and planning & environment.

For our fourth edition, we have once again focused on the area of disputes & inquiries. As a litigation partner, I have had the privilege of working with many talented female solicitors over the years. However, too frequently women are not as well represented when it comes time to brief counsel. While there has been an improvement, we all need to remain committed to bringing about more rapid, but also enduring change. We are pleased to profile seven female junior counsel in this edition.

Use this publication when it is time to prepare a shortlist of barristers in the area of disputes and inquiries for a matter, or when you are providing instructions on who to brief. You will be able to consider and include at least one of these featured barristers – so keep this handy!

We hope you enjoy this edition of Lifting the Bar.

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