About Kristin
Kristin works with state and local government clients on a variety of areas relating to planning and environment law, including statutory and strategic planning, heritage, cultural heritage, environment and water. Kristin regularly appears at VCAT and Planning Panels as a solicitor advocate for government clients. Her advocacy work involves both legal and planning issues.
Statutory Planning
Kristin has worked on a range of statutory planning matters for state and local government clients including large-scale residential, commercial and mixed use developments, community recreational facilities and developments in health and education precincts.
Strategic Planning
Kristin has been involved in a number of significant strategic planning projects for local government clients, including the application of built form controls in major activity centres, the application of heritage controls, and the rezoning and master planning of school sites.
Kristin has acted for local government clients in numerous Planning Panel and Heritage Council hearings involving the application of state or local heritage controls to significant heritage places.
Cultural Heritage
Kristin has been involved in several VCAT applications concerning cultural heritage management plans.
Kristin advises local government clients on a range of environmental issues, including land contamination and remedial notices.
Insights by Kristin

The Maddocks View: Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business