About Shane
Shane advises government departments, statutory authorities, local governments, corporations, developers, contractors and consortiums on construction, projects, infrastructure and services contracts. Shane's areas of expertise include: construction, engineering and infrastructure; drafting and negotiating tender documentation and construction and related contracts; contract procurement and contract administration; advising on risk mitigation strategies for project delivery; PPP / PFI; and Department of Treasury and Finance Gateway Review Panels.
Development Victoria
Acting for Development Victoria on a range of matters including:
- Preparing a range of precedent contracts and tender documentation including a ‘Construct-Only’ Contract, ‘Design and Construct’ Contract, Minor Works Agreements, Consultancy Agreements, Requests for Proposals etc as well as assisting Development Victoria to obtain CCAP approval for relevant agreements.
- Ballarat GovHub Project – drafting a design and construct contract that includes both base build and fit out works for a major State Government initiative to relocate certain public servants to Ballarat.
- CIRQ D&C Contract – amending Development Victoria’s Principal Project Requirements for the Design and Construction of Townhouses.
- Hisense Arena Upgrade Works – drafting distinct supply and construction contracts for upgrades to this arena.
- State Library Redevelopment – advising on a managing contractor contract for this major redevelopment project.
- Stony Creek Transformation Project – drafting a D&C Contract for a joint venture type arrangement between Brimbank City Council, City West Water, Melbourne Water, DEWLP and Development Victoria to update an existing open concrete channel into a natural vegetated waterway which provides Stormwater treatment and harvesting.
Bunjil Place – Casey City Council
Advising on all legal aspects of the $125 million development of Bunjil Place, a central community town square that facilitates events and social interaction including preparing and negotiating all required contracts (including a design consultancy agreement (with novation), following a two-stage design competition, and a managing contractor contract).
Suites of contracts
Shane has acted for numerous public sector clients, developers and contractors in preparing suites of contract documentation including calls for expressions of interest, requests for tenders, consultancy agreements, ECI contracts, construct-only contracts and design and construct contracts.
Melbourne Desalination Plant
Shane undertook a secondment to the successful Thiess/Degremont bid for the Melbourne Desalination Project. Shane's role related mainly to all of the operational and maintenance aspects of the project including the negotiation of the O&M Contract and related documentation.
Regional Fast Rail Project ($500 million)
Advising Freight Australia on its contractual obligations on the Regional Fast Rail project. This project involves upgrading more than 500km of railway so as to permit train speeds for four major rail lines to increase from 115km/hr to 160km/hr.
Insights by Shane

Sector Leader - State Government VIC