About Zina
Zina specialises in planning and environmental law. She advises government and private clients on a range of strategic and statutory planning law and environmental law matters. She is currently a committee member of the Young Professionals Group of the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association.
Statutory planning
Advising on statutory planning processes, planning permit applications, planning appeals, statutory interpretation of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
Strategic planning
Advising on planning scheme amendments, planning controls, strategic planning processes and other strategic planning issues. Reviewing draft planning scheme amendment material and considering associated amendment procedures to provide advice to government clients on the strength and potential gaps in documentation prior to exhibition.
Planning and environment appeals
Engaging and managing expert witnesses, instructing Counsel and drafting submissions on behalf of government and private clients at VCAT, Planning Panels Victoria, Standing Advisory Committees and the Heritage Council in relation to a wide range of matters including cultural heritage, residential rezoning, development plans and existing use rights.
Administrative law decision making
Advising clients in relation to administrative law decision-making under various legislative instruments and the risks relating to the exercise of relevant powers.
Commercial transactions
Advising various clients in the industrial and retail sector on potential planning and environmental issues as part of large corporate M&A transactions.