About Andrew
Andrew provides commercial advice to Commonwealth, State and Local Government clients, with specific expertise in contract law and contractual drafting, government tendering and procurement, information technology and health law.
Government clients appreciate Andrew's understanding of the challenges they face when outsourcing and entering into complex arrangements, including the need to satisfy the overriding objective of obtaining value.
Commonwealth Department of Health
- Drafting and negotiating the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement, which provides for the community pharmacy and pharmaceutical wholesaler remuneration under the PBS from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2025.
- Drafting and negotiating the National Diabetes Services Scheme Agreement (NDSS) with Diabetes Australia to facilitate the supply of subsidised products and services to more than one million people with diabetes
- Advising on the Community Service Obligation (CSO) funding arrangements with pharmaceutical wholesalers to facilitate CSO supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines and NDSS products
- Drafting and negotiating the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement. This Agreement provides the community pharmacy and wholesaler remuneration under the PBS from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020.
Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Advising on the State’s acquisition of the new Victorian Infringement, Enforcement and Warrants System
- Advising and preparing contracts relating to the acquisition, installation and maintenance of fixed and mobile road safety technology (speed camera) systems in Victoria.
Department of Defence
Advising Defence on the automation of its warehouse management arrangements.
Local councils Victoria
Regularly advises councils with respect to their procurement and implementation of complex, high value and business critical technology, including for property and rating, asset management, human resources, business information storage and CRMs.
Local councils Victoria
Advising Victorian councils on the management and upgrade of their key municipal infrastructure including leisure facilities, sale yards and airports.
SEC Victoria
Advising SEC Victoria in its procurement of various systems necessary to start up the new entity.